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Thursday, September 22, 2011


Digital Differential Analyzer adalah suatu algoritma (pendekatan) pengonfersian suatu himpunan pixel menjadi suatu garis yang didasari atas perhitungan ∆ x dan ∆y, dengan menggunakan persamaan (4) dan (5) diatas, kita ontohkan sebuah garis pada unit interval di dalam suatu koordinat dan kemudian kita tentukan nilai integer yang mempunyai jarak terdekat dengan line-path untuk koordinat yang lain. Perhatikan gari pertama dengan slope positif yang ditunjukan gambar di atas. Jika slope ≤ 1, kita tentukan nilai untuk unit interval x (dalam hal ini ∆x=1) dan hitung beberapa hasil iterasi secara berturut-turut untuk nilai y dengan persamaan
yk+1 = yk+m (6)
Subskrip k bernilai integer yang dimulai dari 1, untuk pengintegrasian pertama, dan terus menambahkan nilai k dengan 1 sampai pasangan koordinat (x,y) yang terakhir terpenuhi oleh algoritma tersebut. Slope m dapat berupa suatu nilai antara 0 dan 1, kemudian hasil hitungan y akan dibulatkan menjadi suatu nilai integer yang mendekati dengan nilai sebenarnya yang bertipe pecahan (floating).
Untuk garis dengan kemiringan positif atau > (lebih besar) dan kita harus menukarkan peran dari x dan y, dapat kita contohkan pada interfal y (∆y=1), lalu hitung beberapa nilai x secara berturut-turut menggunakan persamaan
xk+1=xk+1/m (7)
persamaan (6) dan (7) di dasarkan dari pengasumsian suatu garis yang diproses dari titik ujung paling kiri dari garis menuju tutuk ujung paling kanan dari garis tersebut. Jika proses ini dibalikkan atau ditukar, supaya diperoleh keadaan dimana titik ujung awalnya berada di sebelah kanan, maka kita harus memberikan nilai ∆x = 1 dan
Yk+1= xk=1/m (8)
Persamaan (6) sampai (9) dapat juga digunakan untuk menghitung posisi pixel yang membentuk suatu garis dengan slope negative, jika nilai absolute slope yang membentuk suatu garis dengan slope negative. Jika nilai absolute slope lebih kecil dari 1 dan titik-titik ujung (endpoint) awalnya berada di sisi paling kiri, kita berikan nilai ∆x=1 dan hitung nilai yk+1 dengan persamaan (6). Dan kemidian endpoint awal yang berada pada posisi sebelah kanan (untuk slope yang sama), kita masukan ∆x=-1 dan kita dapatkan nilai y dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan persamaan (8). Sama juga ketika nilai absolute dari sebuah slope positif adalah lebih besar dari 1, kita gunakan ∆y=-1 dan kita tentukan xk+1 dengan persamaan (9) atau kita gunakan ∆y=1 dan kita tentukan xk+1 dengan persamaan (7). Algoritma ini dirangkaum di dalam prosedur berikut, yang mana program menerima input dua posisi pixel endpoint (titik-titik ujung suatu garis) sebagai awalnya dan menentukan perbedaan horizontal dan vertical diantara dua posisi endpoint yang diperoleh untuk parameter dx dan dy. Perbedaan nilai yang cendrung besar akan menentukan nilai dari parameter slep di dalam algoritma DDA. Dimulai dari posisi pixel (Xa,Ya) kita tentukan penyeimbang yang dibutuhkan pada beberapa langkah program untuk menghasilkan posisi pixel selanjutnya sepanjang line-path. Kita ulangi kondisi ini beberapa kali sampai proses ini memenuhi kondisi keseimbangan yang telah diputuskan oleh program. Jika nilai dx lebih besar dari nilai dy dan xa lebih kecil dari xb maka nilai dari penambahan pada x dan y adalah 1 dan m, jika perubahan yang lebih besar berada di dalam arah x, tetapi karena xa harus lebih besar dari xb, maka kurangkan x dengan -1 dan –m supaya dapat digunakan untuk menentukan beberapa titik-titik (pixel) increment atau decrement di dalam bagian y dan x, juga penambahan atau pengurangan dengan 1/m. kita anggap nilai yang diplot ada pada sstem bilivel-intensity supaya pemanfaatan fungsi putpixel mempunyai nilai intensity=1. Digital diferential analyzer merupakan suatu metode yang paling cepat untuk melakukan kalkulasi (menghitung) keberadaan posisi pixel dan digunakan untuk pengimplementasian DDA algoritma ke screen computer menggunakan Delphi dapat dirancang sebagai berikut ;
Procedure TFrom1.Button1Click(Sender Object);
Var dx,dy,fstep,f,x1,x2,y1,y2 : integer;
If(abs(dx)>abs(dy)) then fstep:=abs(dx)
Else fstep := abs(dy);
Deltax := dx/fstep;
Delta y:= dy/fstep;
Canvas.Pixels[trunk(x),trunk(y)] := clblue;
For f :=0 fstep-1 do
X := x +deltax;
Y:= y + deltay;
Canvas.Pixels[trunk(x),trunk(y)] := clblue;

Algoritma bresenham merupakan suatu algoritma (pendekatan) yang dikreasikan oleh bresenham yang tidak kalah akurat dan efiesian dengan algoritma primitive lainnya (seperti DDA). Bagian pengonfersian (scan-konversi) garis akan melakukan kalkulasi untuk penambahan nilai-nilai integer (yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk garis) yang disesuaikan dengan tipe grafik yang dipakai oleh layar computer (keadaan monitor PC) kita. Untuk proses scan-konversi untuk garis dengan slope positif yang lebih kecil dari 1. Posisi pixel sepanjang line-path kemudian di tentukan dengan penyampaian pada unit interval x. dimulai dari endpoint kiri (x0,y0) dari garis yang di berikan, kita pindahkan beberapa kolom berturut-turut (berdasarkan posisi x) dan plot pixel-pixel yang mempunyai nilai scan-line y ke jarak yang paling dekat dengan line-path. Secara sistematis pembentukan algoritma bresenham adalah sebagai berikut
Y=m(xk+1)+b (10)
Dimana d1=y-yk, dan disubtitusikan (10) kedalam d1;
Dimana d2=(yk-1)-y, dan disubtitusikan (10) ke dalam d2;
Kemudian d1-d2
D1-d2=2m(xk+1)-2yk+2b-1 (11)
Nilai parameter keputusan pk untuk langkah ke-k

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sungguh Lucunya Negriku

Siaran TV begitu banyak menyajikan berita yang hangat lugas, tegas dan terpercaya (kata sebagian  siaran) namun sayang beritanya hanya seputar kriminal, kemiskinan, korupsi, dan semua tindakan kejahatan lainnya. Apa gak ada berita yang menunjukan perkembangan negri ini apa? kadang heran juga liat pemerintah kita, mulai dari DPR, MPR, Menteri, Bahkan Presidennya. semua sibuk untuk memperkaya diri sendiri. mumpung masih punya jabatan kali ya??
kadang pening juga liat siaran berita yang isinya cuma membahas korupsi yang gak pernah usai dan gak pernah habis-habisnya. kejahatan politik rasanya bisa di buat-buat dan direkayasa. polisinya korupsi, asistennya juga korupsi, semua korupsi. 

rupanya kita memang sudah di didik untuk korupsi waktu, uang , tenaga, semua di korupsi,, gak bereslah semua.kadang timbul kebencian ketika melihat para pejabat yang bermobil mewah, bergaji berpuluh juta. namun tidak ada kerjanya dan bahkan menghabiskan uang negara.

kita lihat pula para PNS-nya, kalau gak ada tugas dari atasan kerjanya setiap hari hanya Datang, Absen, Lihat  tugas, jika tidak ada Main Game, Kalo gak ya ngerumpi. Pulang dan yang paling menyenangkan akhir bulan dapat gaji plus tunjangannya. duh sedih liat keadaan sekarang ini. 

siapa dan kapanlah negara ini ada yang merubahnya, sistimnya, kebijakan politiknya, pemerintahnya, rakyatnya, dan yang paling penting berubah aqidahnya sehinga bisa maju jadi lebih baik. Aku, anda dan semua yang membaca tulisan kecil ini. hendaknya mempunyai tekad yang kuat untuk memebuat suatu perubahan. terimakasih

Sunday, September 18, 2011

ubuntu 12.04 beta sudah dilauning

setelah ubuntu melauncing versinya yang terbaru yaitu ubuntu 11.10 maka biasanya akan adalagi ubuntu versi selanjutnya. kapankah dilauncingnya,kita tunggu saja


The Ubuntu developers are moving quickly to bring you the absolute latest and greatest software the Open Source community has to offer. The Oneiric Ocelot Beta 1 Release of Ubuntu 11.10 gives a preview of the next version of Ubuntu.

Get Ubuntu 11.10

Upgrading from Ubuntu 11.04

To upgrade from Ubuntu 11.04 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '11.10' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
To upgrade from Ubuntu 11.04 on a server system: install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed; launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade -d; and follow the on-screen instructions. Note that the server upgrade is now more robust and will utilize GNU screen and automatically re-attach in case of e.g. dropped connection problems.

Download the Beta 1


ubuntu 11.10 Beta


The Ubuntu developers are moving quickly to bring you the absolute latest and greatest software the Open Source community has to offer. The Oneiric Ocelot Beta 1 Release of Ubuntu 11.10 gives a preview of the next version of Ubuntu.

Get Ubuntu 11.10

Upgrading from Ubuntu 11.04

To upgrade from Ubuntu 11.04 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '11.10' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
To upgrade from Ubuntu 11.04 on a server system: install the update-manager-core package if it is not already installed; launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade -d; and follow the on-screen instructions. Note that the server upgrade is now more robust and will utilize GNU screen and automatically re-attach in case of e.g. dropped connection problems.

Download the Beta 1

Beta 1 images can be downloaded from a location near you:
In addition they can be found at the following links:

New features in Oneiric

Please see the Oneiric blueprint list for details.
Please test and report any bugs you find:

Improved handling of 32-bit compatibility on amd64 systems

Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 1 enables "multiarch" support for installing 32-bit library and application packages on 64-bit systems. For all amd64 installs and upgrades, select 32-bit software, including skype and flash, will be installable directly using the same 32-bit packages that are used on i386 installations, without the need to install the ia32-libs compatibility package. For users this means 32-bit libraries will always be available at the same time as their 64-bit counterparts, even in the case of security updates, and users will only need to install those 32-bit libraries needed by the applications they have installed.

Enabling multiarch if you upgraded before Beta-1

amd64 users who upgraded to oneiric prior to August 16th or who installed oneiric prior to alpha-3 will need to manually enable multiarch support on their systems to ensure they get the same experience (and see the same packages) as other users. This is as simple as running the following command:
 $ echo foreign-architecture i386 | sudo tee /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch
An apt-get update later, and you'll have access to the full array of i386 packages in addition to the amd64 ones.

Installing the correct skype package

As a result of this change, work has begun to deprecate the ia32-libs package, which no longer ships all the libraries that it did previously. Most 32-bit software will either be automatically transitioned to i386 packages on upgrade or will continue to work with the ia32-libs package in oneiric. However, the skype package has not yet been updated for this in oneiric. If you have the skype package installed you will need to manually switch to the i386 package by running:
 $ sudo apt-get install skype:i386
For the final 11.10 release, this will be resolved by providing an automatic upgrade to an i386-only skype package.

Ubuntu Kernel

Beta 1 includes the 3.0.0-9.15 Ubuntu kernel which is based on the v3.0.3 upstream stable kernel. Some of the most notable changes since Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha3 with respect to the kernel include:
  • Rebase to v3.0.3
  • Enable missing IPv6 options
  • Ivy Bridge: KVM support for SMEP
  • Fix integer math bugs in panel fitting
  • Turn on extra EAPDs on Conexant codecs
  • Deliver more Atheros, Ralink, and iwlagn NIC drivers to d-i
  • Package macvlan and macvtap for virtual
  • Package x86_energy_perf_policy and turbostat
  • dell-wmi: Add keys for Dell XPS L502X
  • hfsplus: ensure bio requests are not smaller than the hardware sectors
  • Ecryptfs: Add mount option to check uid of device being mounted = expect uid
  • Update ideapad-laptop to v3.1
  • mac80211: be more careful in suspend/resume
  • xen-blkfront: Drop name and minor adjustments for emulated scsi devices
  • xen: Do not enable PV IPIs when vector callback not present
  • Native driver support for changing backlight intensity on i915
  • Numerous config updates

Ubuntu Desktop

Revised DVD content

With 11.10 Beta 1, we're introducing a revised smaller DVD based on community feedback over the last few cycles. This is in addition to the traditional CD which remains available. This new DVD has a more manageable size of 1.5G. The new DVD image is an extension of our current CD image to include all the language packs and some other useful applications, such as Inkscape, GIMP, Pitivi, and a more complete LibreOffice suite. All the packages that used to be on the DVD are still available from the archive.

Interface updates

A new release of compiz and Unity has been included with this milestone. Highlights of this release are:
  • A new Alt+Tab switcher.
  • "Places" were renamed to "Lenses", now integrating multiple sources and advanced filtering like ratings, range, categories…
  • A new music lens linked to Banshee is also installed by default.
  • The restructuring for getting some new features has been done. Known bugs and regressions are documented below.
  • Better performance of launchers and panel, ported to GTK 3 and GTK 3-based indicator stack.
Unity 2D reduced the delta with Unity, shares more code with it and has almost complete accessibility support. See Known issues for the missing accessibility parts.
The indicators got a visual refresh which includes a refactoring of the session indicator and a new power indicator.

New Applications and Defaults

Thunderbird is included as default email client including menu and launcher integration.
Déjà Dup is included as the default backup tool, making it easy to upload backups to Ubuntu One.
The new Gwibber landed in Oneiric bringing improved performance and a new interface using the most recent GNOME technologies.
GNOME got updated to current unstable version (3.1.5) on its way to GNOME 3.2
LightDM now uses the new Unity greeter by default.

Software Center updates

The Ubuntu Software Center adds new "top rated" views to the main category page and all subcategory pages, now allows you to edit or delete your own reviews, and has had a significant speedup for standalone deb file installations (gdebi functionality).

Ubuntu Core

Ubuntu Core is a new minimal rootfs for use in the creation of custom images for specific needs. With the release of Oneiric Ocelot, developers will be able to use Ubuntu Core as the basis for their application demonstrations, constrained environment deployments, device support packages, and other goals. More information is available on the Ubuntu Core wiki page.

Ubuntu Server

Orchestra which is a collection of the best free software services for provisioning, deploying, hosting, managing, and orchestrating enterprise data centre infrastructure services, by, with, and for the Ubuntu Server has landed in Oneiric and is taking good shape.
A core component of Orchestra provisioning is Cobbler, which has been receiving significant attention. Whilst still in the Universe repository, it is considered an important part of Ubuntu Server and testing is much appreciated.
The majority of the Openstack components and dependencies are now in the Main archive. Oneiric Beta-1 is shipping with Diablo-4 development release. Regular snapshots to Oneiric will commence after Beta-1 Freeze is lifed, and will be uploaded on a regular basis. Bugs are being identified, however it's proving to have a good level of stability; and usage to uncover more issues before release is vital.
Ensemble is now available in the Oneiric archive, it is a critical part of Ubuntu Server designed to handle service deployment and orchestration for both cloud and bare metal.
The Xen hypervisor has now been reintroduced to Ubuntu Server, and is therefore an option. The QA process has identified a number of issues in the cycle, which are making good progress towards a resolution. Further testing of this will ensure good Xen support in Oneiric.
The cloud images have been formally renamed to 'Ubuntu Cloud Images' (or cloudimg as short form). The images should now be found at the new address: . ARM cloud images are now being built, but there isn't currently a cloud infrastructure that can consume them, and therefore are not officially released as part of this beta.
All references to UEC have been changed to "Ubuntu Cloud". If the term UEC is discovered in this milestone, it should be considered a bug and raised accordingly.
Former UEC components (including Eucalyptus) are no longer part of the CD image, and were demoted to Universe.


Plasma and KDE Applications 4.7

The latest stable release 4.7 of KDE's Plasma Workspaces and Applications brings new features and improvements all around. Highlights include:
Visual updates include a new Oxygen icon theme A cleaner default look to Dolphin Gwenview's new ability to compare two or more images New breadcrumb feature in the Kickoff menu that simplifies navigating submenus More improvements in the Network Management widget


Along with KDE 4.7, 11.10 also introduces the new KDEPIM suite, which includes the new Kmail 2. The look and feel is familiar, but under the hood, most of the PIM suite is now fully migrated to the Akonadi storage service.
IMPORTANT: Do note that this is a major upgrade to the mail, calendar and addressbook systems, and as such still needs usage and migration testing. It is, even more highly than usual, highly recommended to back up all important data, mail, contact information, and calendars if you plan to test upgrading to 11.10.

Amarok 2.4.3

The Amarok folks have just released the latest version of the popular music player. Work has been done to improve the interface, drag-and-drop inside of collections, and dynamic playlists are some of the new things to be found.

Muon Software Center

Kubuntu has switched to providing the Muon Software Center and Muon Package manager by default. The Muon package management suite is tightly integrated with the Debian package management system (all Ubuntu flavors use under the hood) for better performance and more reliable results.
Additional information about this release of Kubuntu can be found here.


Xubuntu has replaced gdm with lightdm as the application that manages logins. Automatic logins will not work with lightdm at the present time. We are sure lightdm is going to provide a much better experience for users than gdm.
Pastebinit is now included in Xubuntu intallations by default. If you need to use, you can use pastebinit in terminals to paste directly without copying and pasting the data.
The developers have replaced mousepad with leafpad as the text editor. leafpad now includes the ability to print, and is better maintained than mousepad.
The onscreen keyboard, Onboard, is now included in the default Xubuntu menus, under Accessories. For those who require an onscreen keyboard, this will be much easier to access using only a mouse or touchpad.
Astute users will observe a new plymouth splash screen in use. Unfortunately, we have found that occasionally, when using the desktop cd to install, the message "hit any key to continue" will not appear. Should you get a black screen with text and the sliding throbber, when the throbber stops moving and the cd ejects, remove the cd and hit enter on the keyboard to continue.
Bluetooth does not work at the present time in Xubuntu. Please see the bug below. A workaround is to install 'blueman' to manage bluetooth.
The Xubuntu developers and contributors had a discussion about replacing the Gimp with an application to assist with digital photos. As a result, gThumb has been added to the default installation. This application is designed to help with image transformations and viewing.


Edubuntu inherits all the changes that occurs in the Ubuntu desktop.
The default desktop environment is now Unity with fallback to Unity 2D when the hardware doesn't support running the 3D version. Gnome 3 Fallback (which uses an updated gnome-panel) is available for those who want it through an option in the installer.
One of our goal for this release is to improve our translation support. Oneiric Ocelot Beta 1 is the first release of Edubuntu to feature a fully translated installer. If it's not accurate for your language, please help translating it! LTSP Live has been re-written and is now fully translatable and network-manager aware.
This beta also offers a refreshed look and feel with a new wallpaper and login screen.
To learn more on Edubuntu and download a stable version of it, go to:


Mythbuntu oneiric has transitioned over to the quicker lightdm desktop manager and brings updated builds of MythTV. Still on the 0.24 series, but growing more and more stable with each new build. In line with the rest of Ubuntu, it now ships software center rather than synaptic.


Lubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu based on the LXDE desktop environment. The goal is to provide a very lightweight distribution, with all the advantages of the Ubuntu world (repositories, support ...). With many LXDE components, Lubuntu also uses well-known applications, such as Chromium, Openbox, Pidgin ... (More informations on applications used or on the Lubuntu project are available on the wiki.).

Known issues

As is to be expected, at this stage of the release process, there are still some significant known bugs that users may run into with the Oneiric Beta 1 Release. The ones we know about at this point (and some of the workarounds), are documented here so you don't need to spend time reporting these bugs again:

Boot, installation and post-install

  • usb-creator is currently unable to create EFI-bootable USB sticks. (702283)
  • In the Ubuntu live system, the panel shows an indicator with "[Invalid UTF-8]". (837246)
  • In some cases, booting the live system takes a long time until the desktop starts. (791139)
  • When overwriting an existing installation in the Ubiquity desktop installer, it creates a new swap partition instead of re-using the already existing one. (782507)
  • Ubiquity desktop installer proceeds to use free space without warning, if sufficient free space exists, and "install alongside" is selected, then clicking on the forward button just begins the installation without warning. (766265)
  • ARM Desktop installations sometimes crash during the OEM configuration step or upgrades, due to a race condition in flash-kernel. (779410)
  • No support for Panda ES2.0 (prerelease) dev boards. Use an older x-loader/u-boot if needed. (837235).
  • omap3/omap4 netboot images are known to be too small with the Beta 1 release (806751).
  • omap3 netboot fails to leave system in a bootable state. Need to add ROOT= to the boot cmdline (820621).
  • Selecting "Configure encrypted volumes" in the alternate/server installer initialises encrypted volumes from scratch, and will destroy any encrypted data that was previously present. There is no way to reuse an existing encrypted volume at installation time at the moment, although we do consider this a bug that will be fixed in a future release. (420080)
  • In OEM install mode, the text in the language selection during the end user configuration dialog is very hard to read. (838672)
  • OEM install mode is not working on DVDs. (837503)


  • During upgrade a debconf prompt about DM to use is displayed (806559)
  • Ubuntu 11.10 has migrated away from /var/run, /var/lock and /dev/shm and now uses /run, /run/lock and /run/shm instead (respectively). While the Ubuntu AppArmor packages and shipped policy have been adjusted for this, custom policy may need to be updated. The following may be used to aid in migration (it allows both the old an the new paths):
    $ sed -i -e 's#/var/run#/{,var/}run#' -e 's#/var/lock#/{run,var}/lock#' -e 's#/dev/shm/#/{dev,run}/shm/#' <profile>

Graphics and Display

  • We had to revert from unity-window-decorator to gtk-window-decorator for performance reasons. This means that the "1 px border" for resizing window is back temporarily.
  • Unity 2D is not working on KVM with xen and cirrus video devices. As a workaround, use the -vga vmware option. (759803)

Since Unity is in active development right now, please check the unity bug reports before filing new bugs.


  • Pressing the physical power button immediately shuts down the machine, instead of asking what to do. (837266)
  • On ARM OMAP4 installations, Firefox currently crashes on start. (837685)
  • Installing with Chinese (Simplified) creates broken localization (771510)


  • Sandy Bridge power regression from kernel 3.0.0-6 to 3.0.0-7 (30% more power at idle) (818830)

Ubuntu Server

  • When running an i386 system under a virtual machine without enough memory allocated a kernel error is detected during installation. (790712)
  • Authenticated and unauthenicated iscsi clients fails to complete boot. (838809)
  • In the nova-compute component of openstack, console.log grows indefinitely which could be a security concern. (832507)
  • nova requires the addition of --use_deprecated_auth in /etc/nova.conf, due to a late change of keystone becoming the upstream default. (838768)
  • Oneiric Eucalyptus fails to start up, upstream are tracking this issue (791607)


  • kubuntu-full doesn't install complete system - If installing from the Kubuntu DVD, a fully functional system isn't installed. To work around this for Oneiric Beta 1, use the text mode installer and select both the kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-full tasks. (838325)
  • Shutdown in the live session under VirtualBox sometimes does not work and seems to just hang on the desktop. Just restart the computer with the power button in that case, there is no possibility of data loss. (805906)


  • There are three terminals in the menus, the normal one is in Accessories (836311)
  • Bluetooth fails for those users attempting to use. Gnome-control-center is not being installed due to numberous dependencies (831488)
  • oneconf-service will crash when updating and when the system is idle for an unspecified period of time (829570)
  • oneconf-query will crash when updating and when the system is idle for an unspecified period of time (616463)

Ubuntu Core

  • DRM libraries are always installed, even for users who are not enabling graphical environments (819802)


  • AMD64 images are oversized. Have to be burned to USB sticks or DVDs.
  • Tray icons are broken for Jockey and Network Manager. They'll be fixed for beta 2.
  • Some parts of the installer remain sensitive when they shouldn't be allowing options that shouldn't be selectable normally.


  • Generic icon for network-manager (819617)
  • Generic icon for jockey (819542)
For a listing of more known issues, please refer to the Oneiric Ocelot bug tracker in Launchpad.

Reporting bugs

It should come as no surprise that this Beta 1 release of Oneiric Ocelot contains other bugs. Your comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions will help fix bugs and improve the quality of future releases. Please report bugs using the tools provided.
If you want to help out with bugs, the Bug Squad is always looking for help.

Participate in Ubuntu

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways you can participate at

More information

You can find out more about Ubuntu on the Ubuntu website and Ubuntu wiki.
To sign up for future Ubuntu development announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu's development announcement list at:
OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta1 (last edited 2011-09-06 08:39:23 by rpr-nospam)
The material on this wiki is available under a free license, see Copyright / License for details.

Membangun Software

Kita seringkali membangun software yang menurut kita berguna bagi orang atau bagi sebuah organisasi. namun seringkali tidak mengetahui tahapan-tahapan yang harus di lalui dan bidang-bidang yang ada di dalam setiap pembangunan Software. orang indonesia kebanyakan berType Pekerja. Jadi mereka hanya berfikir bagaimana untuk membuat software. berikut ini adalah pembagian nya secara sistematis
di dalam membagun sofware orang yang terlibat di dalamnya sangat banyak
  1. Analisis, Adalah seorang yang bertugas untuk menganalisa sebuah permasalahan yang terjadi atau masalah yang akan diselesaikan dengan software. misalnya sistim informasi sekolah, seorang analis sistim harus mampu menganalisa kebutuhan apa saja yang di perlukan, mencakup rancangan, biaya, kemampuan software dll.
  2. Desainer, Adalah orang yang bertugas mendesain tampilan. desainer ini dituntut orang yang mempunyai jiwa seni yang tinggi
  3. Programer, adalah orang yang membuat program, di tingkatan ini programer sangat banyak dengan berbagai kemampuan bahasa pemrogramanya. dia hanya membuat program dari apa yang telah dirancang oleh Analisis dan Desainer, jadi dia tidak perlu pusing memikirkan bagaimana bentuknya dan lain sebagainya, dia hanya berpikir bagaimana program yang dia buat itu sesuai dengan rancangan

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Banyak followes dengan GFC Recommendation Button

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 08:28 PM PDT
Pernahkan anda terfikir pentingnya followers dalam sebuah blog. Untuk blog yang masih memiliki trafik kecil, hal lain yang bisa membuat blog itu populer adalah dengan Followers yang banyak. Ada sebuah Sugesti bahwa seseorang akan mengatakan “wahh” apabila melihat followers/anggota yang tergabung dalam blog itu sangat banyak, dan bukan tidak mungkin orang itu akan ikut memfollow blog kita. Dan sugesti lainya, banyak kasus seorang pembaca berkunjung dan hanya sebentar lalu pergi kembali karna melihat followers blog kita yang sedikit. Dan berasumsi bahwa blog yang dikunjunginya jelek dengan sedikit pengikut. Namun itu hanya beberapa aspek dari hal untuk membangun trafik.

Tapi, apa salahnya di coba. Kita hanya perlu menempatkan tombol “Recommendation” di bawah setiap artikel kita. Dan lalu menempatkan ”Recommended stories” nya di manapun anda mau menempatkanya.  Dengan tombol ini, orang akan klik tombol Recommendation sekaligus memfollow blog kita. Menarik bukan.
Oke, langsung saja kita masuk ke tahap instalasi.
  • Login ke Google friendconnect  -
  • Klik/pilih pada blog yang anda ingin masukan tombol “Recommendation
  • Pilih “browse the Gedgets Gallery
  • Dan lalu pilih Gedget “Recommendation”.
  • Untuk jalan pintas anda bisa langsung masuk ke link :

Setelah masuk ke gedget Recommendation anda tinggal mengatur warna, dan tampilan sesuai selera dan keperluan. Dan bila sudah selesai jangan lupa klik tombol “Generate Code”. Lalu tinggalkan sebentar, jangan di close.

Nah sekarang waktunya instalasi pada blog anda.
  • Login ke blogger – Design – Edit Html
  • Centang “Expand Widget
  • Lalu cari code
    <div class='post-footer'>
  • Kembali ke Google friendconnect.
  • Coppy code pada form ke 2 (dua)  dan tempatkan di persis di bawah
    <div class='post-footer'>
  • Setelah itu klick save.
Langkah terakhir adalah lihat kembali Google friendconnect. Coppy code pada form ke 1 dan letakan di manapun anda mau. Misalnya pada gedget “HTML/Javascript”. Jangan lupa klik save.
Sampai disini proses instalasi sudah selesai. Dan selamat mempunyai followers yang banyak.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Author : Andra Permana Halim
Tentang : Blogger yang ingin belajar sebagai bussiness man.

Mutiara kata Hamka

Kecantikan yang abadi terletak pada keelokkan adab dan ketinggian ilmu seseorang, bukan terletak pada wajah dan pakaiannya. (Hamka).
Yang meninggikan darjat seseorang ialah akal dan adabnya, bukan asal keturunannya.
( Aristotle )
Adab dan sopan itu lebih penting daripada makan dan minum.( Aristotle ).
Mahkota adab dan sopan santun lebih tinggi nilainya daripada mahkota yang bertahtakan ratna dan mutu manikam.( Budiman ).
Kata-kata yang lemah dan beradab dapat melembutkan hati dan manusia yang keras. ( (Hamka).
Bertambah kuat kepercayaan kepada agama, bertambah tinggi darjatnya di dalam pergaulan hidup, dan bertambah naik tingkahlaku dan akal budinya. ( Hamka ).
Pergaulan mempengaruhi didikan otak.Oleh itu, untuk kebersihan jiwa hendaklah bergaul dengan oarang-orang beradab dan berbudi mulia yang dapat kita kutip manfaatnya. (Hamka).
Sifat utama pemimpin ialah beradab dan mulia hati. ( Imam Al-Ghazali).
Undang-undang adab dan budi pekerti membentuk kemerdekaan bekerja.Undang-undang akal membentuk kemerdekaan berfikir.Dengan jalan menambah kecerdasan akal,bertambah murnilah kemerdekaan berfikir. ( Hamka).
Di dalam medan hidup,ada beberapa undang-undang yang harus dijaga dan diperhatikan.Ada yang berhubungan dengan kesihatan tubuh,dengan keberesan akal dan yang berhubung dengan kemuliaan adab dan budi. ( Hamka).
Kata Hukama," Hendaklah adab sopan anak-anak itu dibentuk sejak kecil kerana ketika kecil mudah membentuk dan mengasuhnya.Belum dirosakkan oleh adat kebiasaan yang sukar ditinggalkan. ( Hamka ).
Mengikut adab kesopanan,tetamu yang tidak menghormati diri dan tidak menghormati ahli rumah yang ditemui,bukanlah orang yang patut dihormati.( Hamka)
Orang beradab pasti pandai menghormati keyakinan orang lain,walaupun dia sendiri tidak sesuai dengan keyakinan itu. (Hamka).
Sesungguhnya orang yang termasuk orang yang baik-baik ialah orang yang paling baik akhlak dan adab sopannya. ( Maksud hadis ).
Kata hikmat Adat
Bagaimana juapun, kita hidup mesti beradat, dihapus adat lama pasti timbul adat baru. (Hamka).
Habis adat kerana kerelaan. ( Pepatah Melayu).
Adat juara berkalah menang. ( Pepatah Melayu).
Adat hidup tolong-menolong, dunia balas-membalas dan adat syariat palu-memalu.. (Pepatah Melayu).
Kata hikmat Adil
Adil ialah menimbang yang sama berat, menyalahkan yang salah dan membenarkan yang benar, mengembalikan hak yang empunya dan jangan berlaku zalim di atasnya. ( Hamka).
Berani menegakkan keadilan, walaupun mengenai diri sendiri, adalah puncak segala keberanian. ( Hamka ).
Yang benar tetap benar,yang salah tetap salah.Kaya dan miskin di hadapan keadilan adalah sama. ( Hamka).
Berkisar dan berpaling dari keadilan kerana dorongan hawa nafsu hanyalah mempersulitkan diri sendiri. ( Hamka ).
Keadilan itu syurga orang yang terkena zalim dan neraka bagi yang zalim. ( Umar Al-Khatab).
Adil dalam budi pekerti ialah perangai iffah.Adil menghadapi lawan ialah memakai perangai syajaah.Adil dalam pergaulan ialah menghindarkan lengah dan lalai.Adil di dalam masyarakat ialah menengelamkan kepentingan diri sendiri ke arah masyarakat bersama. ( Hamka ).
Keadilan yang ada pada diri seseorang raja,laksana sebentuk mutiara.Meskipun yang empunya telah mati,mutiara itu tetap tinggal dengan cahayanya. ( Hukama ).
Membalas kebaikan dengan segera dengan kebaikan pula bernama keadilan, dan melambatkannya bernama aniaya. ( Hukama).


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