Monday, April 25, 2011

ubuntu 10.10

At 10:10 this version of Ubuntu, there are some features as follows:

     * Browsers firefox 3.6.10, which is a popular browser on Unix operating systems, presented in ubuntu 10:10
     10:10 * Ubuntu has Suite 3.2.1 for the need to make documents and professional presentations.
     * Center for Software Ubuntu opensource provides thousands of application programs which must gratis.Seperti application program to create 3-dimensional images, animation and games.
     10:10 * Ubuntu 2.32.0 using Empathy as a multi-protocol instant messenger and Evolution Mail 2.30.3 which is used as a powerful email client.
     * Gwibber included in ubuntu 10:10 as microblogging client.
     * Ubuntu includes an integrated store, so you can buy and download new songs with just a few klik.Untuk it Streaming music, is present in Ubuntu at 10:10.
     * Feature Photo magic To manage, memngedit and share photos over the Internet.
     * Shotwell is one of the main application that allows to manage and share photos with ease on social networking sites.
     * Ubuntu 10:10 in star claims to have the speed of loading up is very fast compared to other operating systems, especially on the new computer machines, open the browser after loading were only takes a few seconds.
     * There are hundreds of games that can be downloaded from the Software Center Ubuntu.
     10:10 Ubuntu Tools * Support Multi-touch.Untuk multi-touch technology, Canonical work with X. Org and the Linux kernel community, to add support for features that do not exist or fix existing drivers.

Please download the ubuntu version in 10:10

You ready to have fun with ubuntu version 10:10? please enjoy the ubuntu version comrades 1:10


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